Parents Guide: Guide to Preparing Children for Undergraduate Study Abroad

Parents Guide: Guide to Preparing Children for Undergraduate Study Abroad

A complete guide for parents in preparing their children for undergraduate studies abroad

Almost all parents want to do the best for their children, including in terms of education. One way is to consider paying for your child’s studies abroad. This decision is certainly an important decision that must be prepared carefully, both for parents and their children.


Actually, what are the preparation stages that parents have to go through when deciding to send their children to study abroad, especially for undergraduate studies? This article will discuss a complete guide to the preparation stages as well as practical tips for parents  when helping their children prepare to study abroad.

Understanding the Benefits of Sending Children to Undergraduate Study Abroad


Sending children to pursue a bachelor’s degree abroad does require greater effort and resources than enrolling them domestically. However, as the business adage goes ” high risk, high return ” education abroad also presents a number of very valuable benefits for parents ‘ children .


The following are the benefits that parents’ children can feel through the experience of studying undergraduate abroad:


1. Strengthen Yourself and Independence

All parents certainly want their children to grow into adults who can be responsible and have a strong mentality. One effective way to teach independence to parents’ children is to give them the opportunity to study and live abroad. 


By studying at undergraduate/S1 level abroad, Parents ‘ children have the opportunity to practice their independence for 3-4 years. There, they will be trained to manage finances, pay bills, and shop in a country that may have a different culture. These things will certainly strengthen their character and independence.


2. Cross-Cultural Communication Skills

The experience of studying at the undergraduate level abroad gives Parents ‘ children ample opportunities to practice their ability to adapt to foreign cultures. These skills will be important capital for them, especially if they aspire to a career at the international level.


3. Affordable costs

It turns out that studying abroad is not always more expensive than studying at home! Some countries, especially in Europe, offer bachelor’s degrees at more affordable costs, even for international students. This means that the financial burden for parents and their children as students can be reduced.

4. Experience in a Different Learning Culture

It is common knowledge that the education system abroad is more modern and innovative. By sending your parents’ children to study abroad for undergraduate studies, they will have the opportunity to experience a different education system in their destination country. This experience will broaden their view of the way education is managed and taught around the world.


5. Understand Diversity

When studying abroad, Parents ‘ children will interact with students from various countries, so they will become more open and tolerant of social, ethnic and cultural differences.


6. Foreign Language Proficiency

Studying in a country that speaks a foreign language will help your children master the language better. Foreign language proficiency is invaluable in the global workforce. 


7. Master English very fluently

If they plan to study in an English-speaking country such as England, Ireland, New Zealand, or Australia, your children will become familiar with different varieties of English, which can improve their English language skills.


8.  Job Opportunities Abroad and  Networking  at an International Level

Through interactions with students from all over the world, Parents ‘ children will build a broad professional network. This will be very beneficial when they look for work in the future. Apart from that, by taking undergraduate studies abroad, they have the opportunity to have a career in the country where they study. Working abroad is a dream for many Indonesians who can provide  more value  if they return to Indonesia someday.


By studying abroad, the opportunity to get work abroad will become easier with the many  post-study working visa options  for international students from various study destination countries.

9. Opportunity to travel

Study abroad gives your children the opportunity to explore other countries and regions. They can experience culture, food and interesting places during their studies.


10. Valuable Life Experience

Studying abroad is a life experience that will shape your children’s character . It will change their view of the world, give them valuable skills, and prepare them for a brighter future.


Although the application process and cost of studying abroad may be challenging, the long-term benefits make this investment well worth it for our children’s bright future.


Tips for Choosing the Right Campus


Once you are sure about sending your children to study abroad, the next step is to determine where the best study destination is for them. To make it easier to make a choice, Parents can start making a list of choices based on the following factors to consider:


  • Geographic Location

The world is very wide. There are many countries with quality education systems that are interesting to consider as a study choice for children. Parents can help children determine their destination country by helping them analyze whether the location of their chosen destination country suits their child’s preferences and needs.


  • Study plan

Ask children to make a complete list of information about the universities they are targeting. Make sure that the university your child chooses offers a study program that suits your child’s interests and career goals.


  • Academic achievement

Ask parents to check the university’s ranking and its reputation at the global level. Parents can use the QS World University Ranking (QS WUR) or Times Higher Education (THE) as a credible reference to find out the ranking of their child’s destination university.


  • Cost of education

This is an important factor that parents must consider. Ask your child to look for complete information on educational costs and scholarship options that may be available.


  • Visa Policy

Of course, Parents ‘ children are required to have a visa before leaving for their destination country. So, ask parents to find out more information about visa policies in the destination country. Parents need to understand the clauses of the visa well. Make sure your child’s parents meet the requirements.


  • Accreditation

Certainly no parent wants to send their children to a fake university. So, before registering at a university, make sure that the university is accredited. This means that the university does have legality in the eyes of the law and is credible to issue educational certificates.

  • Accommodation

Parents definitely hope that their children can live in a safe and comfortable place while studying abroad. What Parents can do is help their children consider what type of housing is suitable for them, whether it’s a studio, shared house , or maybe a university dormitory.

Financial Preparation

Studying abroad is a significant investment. Prepare yourself Parents to plan your finances well. The following are several steps in the financial preparation process for undergraduate students studying abroad:

  • Determining Tuition Fees

To start planning your child’s education, the first step is to carefully calculate the estimated costs that will be involved. This covers tuition fees, living expenses, as well as other costs such as visas, books, and study equipment. Make sure Parents detail all these aspects so Parents have an accurate estimate of how much budget is needed.


  • Looking for Scholarships

​L take the time to investigate the various financial aid options available. Financial assistance can help reduce significant financial burdens. Make sure Parents understand the requirements, application deadlines, and preparation needed to submit a financial aid application.

Financial aid may be offered by universities, the government, or private organizations, so don’t hesitate to seek information from a variety of sources. To look for scholarship opportunities, Parents can visit this page:


  • Make a Budget Plan

Once Parents have a clear cost estimate, Parents can start making detailed budgets for their children’s education abroad. Don’t forget to consider fluctuations in the destination country’s currency exchange rates. One more important thing, make sure the draft budget includes tuition fees, accommodation, food, transportation and daily expenses. 

  • Savings and Investments:

After knowing the budget needed to support your child’s study abroad for 3-4 years, the next step you need to take is to check your long-term savings and investments. If your child is not going to study abroad in the near future, parents can start opening special savings to fund their child’s education while studying abroad.

Don’t hesitate to consult a financial consultant to set up an investment strategy that can help education funds grow over time. This will help Parents face future education costs.

  • Consider Making an Education Loan

Finally, learn about the various education loan options that may be available. This includes loans from local or international financial institutions. Pay attention to interest rates, payment terms, and repayment deadlines. Make sure Parents fully understand the financial consequences of taking out a loan and consider it wisely before Parents decide to involve themselves in educational debt. Education loans can be an important source of additional funds, but they also require good planning and management.

Administrative and Visa Preparation

Financial preparations have been completed, the next stage is the administrative preparation stage. At this stage, parents and children will be busy with requests and processing documents and various procedures. The following is an overview of the administrative preparations:

  • Program Selection and Registration

Of course, the first administrative stage that parents’ children must go through is the university exam. Here, children will be busy with various registration preparations, starting from taking the IELTS test, carrying out the translation process for diplomas or transcripts, and so on. Make sure that all the required documents are ready long before the registration deadline date .

  • Student Visa

After the parent’s child has received a letter of acceptance (LoA), the next step must be taken in preparing a student visa. Learn what file requirements are needed, including the required photo size format. The thing is, each country has different policies for this matter.

  • Health Insurance

One of the requirements that international students must fulfill before entering their destination country is to have health insurance. Parents and children need to find out what types of health insurance are available in the study destination country. Understand all the requirements, costs, and what type of protection is offered by the insurance. 

  • Accommodation

So that children are comfortable and safe, accommodation should be prepared while they are still in Indonesia. Parents can ask the university for help if they have difficulty finding accommodation for their children.

Psychological Preparation and Child Welfare

Moving abroad to study can be a challenging experience in terms of a child’s psychological well-being. Parents can provide some support to help them overcome psychological problems when adapting abroad.

The first thing that can be done is to instill in children about the cultural differences they may face, which include different social ethics, behavioral norms and communication. Children need to be given knowledge about how to face and adapt to new environments, as well as various social challenges they may experience. 

Apart from that, emotional readiness is also very important. Children need to be taught strategies to deal with stress, anxiety, and feelings of pressure that may arise during study abroad. 

Make sure that children are able to open up to Parents so that they can feel comfortable talking about their experiences and can overcome challenges with support from their parents. Apart from that, Parents can also look for information about mental health support services available at universities or in the child’s destination country.

During and After College

Every child has different behavior when adapting at the start of studying abroad. Some college students may be very dependent on their parents at first, then become more independent as they grow more comfortable. Meanwhile, other students may immediately dive into the excitement of studies and campus life, and may forget to connect with their parents, at least at the beginning of the adaptation period.


Likewise, parents also have to adapt to living far from their beloved children. In this transition period for both parties, Parents can make an agreement with their children about how often Parents expect their children to contact them, as well as through what media (whether video calls, or simply WhatsApp voice calls) and so on. In this way, it is hoped that the adaptation process for parents and children can run smoothly.


Education abroad is one of the most valuable experiences parents can give their children. With careful preparation, financial support, emotional support, and the right administrative support, the choice of sending your children abroad will be very worth it !

See also  Tips for Saving Expenses and Finding Additional Income While Studying

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